Donald Trump News Today  : 2:45 P.M : President Donald Trump will depart the White House en route to the Department of Labor.

3:30 P.M : Trump will deliver remarks at the Department of Labor at the Apprenticeship Initiative kickoff. He will then sign an executive order before returning to the White House.
Donald Trump News Today
Illustrations : Donald Trump News Today
BREAKING THIS MORNING: From POLITICO: “Several people were shot Wednesday morning at a congressional baseball practice, including House Majority Whip Steve Scalise, according to one lawmaker. The lawmakers were practicing for the annual congressional ballgame when the shooting took place in Alexandria, Va. According to Rep. Mo Brooks (R-Ala.), Scalise was wounded in the shooting. ‘He’d crawled into the outfield but leaving a trail of blood. We started giving him some liquids,’ Brooks said on CNN. Brooks was not hit.”

MUELLER’S FATE: From POLITICO’s Rebecca Morin: “President Donald Trump has ‘no intention’ of firing special prosecutor Robert Mueller, White House spokeswoman Sarah Huckabee Sanders said Tuesday night. ‘While the president has the right to, he has no intention to do so,’ Sanders said when asked during a gaggle aboard Air Force One whether Trump will fire Mueller.”

TRUMPCARE UPDATE: From AP’s Alan Fram: “President Donald Trump told Republican senators Tuesday that the House-passed health care bill he helped revive is ‘mean’ and urged them to craft a version that is ‘more generous,’ congressional sources said. Trump’s remarks were a surprising slap at a Republican-written House measure that was shepherded by Speaker Paul Ryan, R-Wis., and whose passage the president lobbied for and praised. At a Rose Garden ceremony minutes after the bill’s narrow House passage on May 4, Trump called it ‘a great plan.’”

THINKING SMALL: From POLITICO’s Nancy Cook and Andrew Restuccia: “Bill Clinton salvaged his presidency by focusing on small-ball policy wins. Now Team Trump is trying to master the art of thinking tiny. Faced with a rising drumbeat of scandal stemming from ongoing Russia probes, President Donald Trump is continuing to pursue a big, complicated legislative agenda - repealing Obamacare, reforming the tax system and passing an infrastructure package. Any of those would be hard to achieve in perfect circumstances, but with the GOP ideologically fragmented and the White House distracted by legal trouble, it’s increasingly difficult to imagine Trump landing a big win. 

Veterans of past White Houses say if the president wants to keep Republican voters on his side, it’s time to turn his attention to putting forward discrete, achievable policy proposals that he can actually get done. ‘It is the only strategy,’ said Ari Fleischer, former White House press secretary under President George W. Bush. ‘Trump will never be able to land a knockdown punch with policy until he has a Rose Garden signing ceremony, but he can at least keep delivering jabs.’ The White House seems to be getting the message. For months, executive branch actions to unwind or rewrite regulations got little notice. But in recent weeks, wonkier policies are getting more fanfare, with briefings for reporters and appearances by Cabinet officials in the press room.”

Source Article : Today in Trumpworld
