Jakarta did not take long for Kartika Putri to have the new trailer after the break up of Erick Alexander romance. Although still keep the figure of a man who managed to take his heart, he admitted that he had undergone a serious relationship.

"Just a boyfriend who is now willing, God is very serious. It's been 4 months but unfamiliarity is long," said Kartika Putri in Kebon Jeruk, West Jakarta, Wednesday (05/04/2016).

He claimed to have not uploaded intimate photos on his social media accounts because the boyfriend was not ready for publication. The boyfriend, according to the beautiful presenter is not from the entertainment.

"I'd love to just publish kayak my friends other post photos together, both of us. Just right here I'm not alone, both of us, and he's still not ready because it is not from the entertainment, instead of the usual published so," he added.

This is now the Kartika tried to convince his girlfriend to not be embarrassed when his face appeared in some media as a lover an entertainer. He had to be patient waiting for his girlfriend to be mentally prepared.
Kartika Putri Itching Because Boyfriend Not Ready 
"I again make him comfortable before, and I again yakinin him too. Yesterday the view Syahnaz so post were both Jeje continue to see others going ngepost photos, ouch want deh really want ngepost photo so. Yes acknowledgment wrote only one still not ready so yes I was, "he said.

According to Kartika, many photos were both saved by it. However, today there is no single Kartika uploaded to social media accounts accessible to the public. Kartika bold new app Path uploading more private.

"(Gatel) Banget, already gatel really ngepost photographs, loads of photos together, just yes already created the first private so, most sharenya in Path. New venture in situ doang," said Kartika Putri.
